Rhyming Words from Birth


Importance of Rhyming Words from Birth-Preschoolers

When two words sound the same at the end it is considered a rhyming word.  From the time your baby is born is important to familiarize them with sounds.  From sounds, they can create ending sounds that turn into rhyming words.  Easy poetry books with repetitive words are ideal.  Sooner or later it will foster into their little brains.  Books that are nursery rhymes develop language acquisition.  Their speech will also be developed.  The muscles in their mouths will be improved while adding to the fluency of early reading and writing skills.  Overall enhancing phonemic awareness, articulation, and learning skills.

Rhyming Words Activity

 A fun, meaningful, and engaging activity is to have a few items in a basket.  Start with easy three letter words.  With this activity, you and your child will match the words in the basket.  Now say a word, such as “cat,” and then have them say it back, now pull out either an object or picture word that rhymes with “cat”.  The goal is to have the child identify the sounds.  The next phase is for them to match the pictures next to each other.  This will help them learn rhyming words with pictures.  For a more advanced activity, draw several pictures on the board or a sheet of paper, preschoolers will love to erase the picture or pictures that do not rhyme.

Songs, Poems, Nursery Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Preschoolers enjoy dancing and singing.  They will have a blast doing fingerplays with their favorite songs.  Feel free for them to do fingerplays with their favorite nursery rhymes book. This is a unique stage so take your time if the child is not understanding the concept.  Patience is key in these three stages.  1-Hearing the Rhyme. 2- Recognizing the Rhyme. 3- Producing the Rhyme. Modeling will be a great tool to help them master those skills.  


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